Even after 19 flights of red planets under the belt in a year, the ingenuity of Mars NASA’s helicopter has not been carried out The small chopper was held with NASA’s determination of Rover on the Jezero crater floor one year ago (February 18).

Ingenuity, in terms of five pioneer flights last spring, proved that air exploration was possible on Mars despite the thin atmospheric planet, Space.com reported Weighing only 1.8 kg, it became the first rotor that had ever made powered flights outside the earth.

“We will still be very strong,” Jaakko Karras, Ingenuity Deputy operation leads in the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California, to Space.com. “There is no one item that we become nervous. Everything survives very, very well The $ 85 million ingenuity mission should have been done after flight number five, but the solar-powered helicopter has performed well and remains healthy so that NASA provides a mission extension.

Rotorcraft has pushed the planet’s red flight limit during this new phase. For example, in Sortie Number 11, which was made on August 4, the helicopter included land 383 meters, got 12 m above red land and reached a maximum speed of around 19 kmpja It also does scouting work for perseverance on longer and more ambitious Jamursday, helping the Rover team plan and the scope of potential science targets However, it’s not always very smooth for ingenuity. For example, the helicopter failed to switch to flight mode as planned in the leadership to the first sortie, pushing the historic liftoff back about one week, the report said.

First effort Ingenuity on flight number 14 was canceled after the helicopter detected anomalies in two of the six servo motor control flights. And big Mars Dust Storm was delayed by flight 19 for more than a month But ingenuity has been powered through them all to date, showing that the future is very bright for air exploration on Mars, the report said.

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