When the Russian-Ukrainian war went berserk, the regulator in Ukraine has launched a plan to present the exchange of cryptocurrency with lawsuits to freeze Russian accounts. Ukraine has used the Crypto Warfare to exclude Russia from the beginner’s Crypto economy Cryptocurrency Exchange responds to Ukrainian request news and argues that the Russian user account cannot be frozen unless there are legal requirements. Crypto exchanges will not unilaterally freeze user accounts about Ukrainian requests.

Restricting access to cryptocurrency for Russian users can strangle the Crypto economy, reducing the facilities of domestic financing activities. Despite the legal encouragement from Eastern European countries, Crypto exchanges may not be able to obey The Ministry of Digital Transformation Ukraine believes that there is no way to identify who finances war. Freeze Russian user accounts and attract their access to financing through Cryptocurrency is the size needed for Ukraine.

Traders don’t have to worry about losing crypto access

Jesse Powell, Co-Founder, and Kraken CEO argue that Cryptocurrency users do not need to worry about being arrested in confiscation of wealth. Powell condemned the steps of Ukraine to send lawsuits to the exchange of Crypto The Cryptocurrency trading volume on the Ukrainian exchange exploded when Russia invaded the country. Cryptocurrency was passed in Eastern European countries last month.

On the first day of Russian aggression, the trading volume at the Crypto Exchange Kuna witnessed more than 200% surge overnight Trading volume in Kuna crosses $ 5 million in one day, while Russian ruble and hryvnia Ukraine dropped.

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