The NASA Space Launch System (SLS) has arrived at launching Pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It is prepared for a final test before the mission starts. This mission opens the way for future missions to reach the moon. Who must launch the first woman on the moon and also the first person of color “From this sacred and historical place, humanity will soon be undertaken a new era of exploration,” said Nasa Administrator Bill Nelson. “Artemis will show NASA’s commitment and the ability to expand the presence of humanity on the moon – and beyond.”

Stacking on the movable launcher and mounted on the catering carrier for a vehicle assembly building to launch the cushion 39b, it took 10 hours and 28 minutes for SLS and Orion to reach the four-mile launch pad. . The trip started at 5:47. Thursday, March 17, and the 322 feet tall rocket, the 3,5 million pounding spatial vessel of 35 million books arrived at the PAD at 16:15 March 18. The next final test, known as the repetition of the wet dress, will lead the Artemis I Launch Team via operations to load the thruster into the rocket tanks, perform a complete launch countdown, demonstrate the possibility To recycle the countdown clock and drain tanks to practice the timelines and procedures that the team will use for launch.

Iconic moment

“The deployment of the vehicle assembly building is an emblematic moment of this rocket and this spaceship, and it is a key step for NASA,” said Tom Whitmeyer, Associate Administrator Assistant for Development Common exploration systems at NASA headquarters in Washington. “Now, at the buffer for the first time, we will use the integrated systems to practice the launch countdown and load the rocket with the thrusters it must send Orion on a lunar trip in preparation for the launch.”

Before the test, SLS, ORION and the associated basic systems will undergo buffer crate. After the repetition, the NASA will review the test data before defining a specific launch date of the target for the next launch Artemis I. The rocket and the integrated spaceship will return to the building of the vehicle assembly several days after The test to eliminate the sensors used during repetition, the batteries of the load system, close the late cargo and execute final cellars. Orion and SLS will then roll on the dashboard for a last hour about a week before launch. In addition, with Artemis, NASA will establish a long-term exploration on the moon for the preparation of human missions in March. SLS and NASA’S ORION STATEECREFRAFT, as well as the human landing system and the orbit gateway around the moon

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