Who can believe that the message reaction only comes to WhatsApp this month? You are not crazy thinking it’s true. But now it comes the iteration task on this feature and, although it can be worldly, one area that can be improved is in finding who reacts in which one photo or video in the album without having to open an album.Wabaainfo appears the feature in developing and reporting that it will be on the track for release on WhatsApp Betas for Android, iOS, and Desktop.

Comparison side by side of current and expected changes to the reaction of messages in the WhatsApp album.At present, when a user reacts to the media in the WhatsApp album, it is possible to only see who gives the reaction and reaction itself, but not the intended media without opening an album. It will change with this update which will allow the application to display the next image or video thumbnail in the existing message reaction information.

Like many of these features found that at this stage, there is no time line when it will reach beta users who are far more unstable application users. But if you want to stay busy, the platforms owned by Meta have several other improvements in the queue including the launch of the upcoming file sharing, premium subscriptions for WhatsApp business users, and preview of rich links to status updates. Another highly anticipated feature, which is the ability to exit quietly, is expected to make the way to the beta version in the near future.

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