Ratul drove quickly when he suddenly stopped in front of a busy signal. The red light blinks. In his head, red means danger, he began to shiver. People who pass pay attention to their strange behavior, some stare. One of them is wearing a red hoodie. Red, again. Ratul was afraid to die. Now he knows why the signal turns red – yes, these are the people sent to kill him today. Ratul reviewed his fear from the last few months. The voices in his head warned him every day about his early death. And now he believes that will happen.

Does this sound similar to the experience of threatening John Nash that is complicated in a beautiful mind or Marshal Teddy Daniels on Rana Island?The related account above is not from the psychological thriller or the mystery of the murder, but the actual account of someone who lives with schizophrenia.Schizophrenia Latin word means separation of mind. At present, the word is used for serious mental diseases that interfere with a person’s ability to think rationally, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. Generally characterized by delusions and hearing hallucinations, schizophrenia can cause a decrease in personality, self -care, memory, logical thinking and relationships. Throughout the world, this disease affects almost one percent of the population, starting the second or third decades of life.

The first signs can be difficult to diagnose schizophrenia in the early stages because the first signs can include changes in friends, impairment, sleep problems and irritability -general and non -specific behavior. Other factors include withdrawing from others, increasing mind and suspicion, and family history of disease.

In young people who develop schizophrenia, the stage of this disorder is called the “prodromal” period. This can gradually provide ways for delusions, hallucinations, emotional ignorance, lack of motivation, problems in maintaining unorganized relationships and thoughtsOver time, an individual who lives with schizophrenia may experience depression, isolated and not available in his personal and professional commitment. The mind and suicide addiction are common in schizophrenia and can further complicate its symptoms. Research on poverty, social deviations and mental diseases have grown with schizophrenia as prototypes; This disease is responsible for homeless, financial burden, and some inpatient.

The right reason

The exact reason for severe disease is unknown. Genetics, harmless experiences, infection in infancy, social environment and drug use (alcohol, marijuana, LSD) are responsible factors. There are continuous changes in certain neurochemicals of the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, which causes abnormal behavior in the affected individuals.

Contrary to popular beliefs, people who live with schizophrenia rarely do violence. This is a disease and those who suffer because they need to be treated with dignity and care. If someone replies because it is ridiculed or if someone who has been paranoid is afraid of further, the resulting behavior should not be called “violence”.Over the years, schizophrenia has been tugged and affected by discrimination. Traditional practices keep them outside the reach of the people in mental hospitals are outdated and cruel.

Schizophrenia Interventions can be treated and, with timely management, more than two thirds of patients can enjoy a better quality of life. In addition to reducing symptoms, treatment also focuses on their independence, vocational rehabilitation, integration into society and meaningful participation in personal and professional life. Schizophrenia can threaten one’s identity and relationship, therefore family counseling is very important to understand the disease.

A group of drugs called antipsychotics is used to treat schizophrenia. These drugs take at least six to eight weeks for their effects. They need to continue for a long time; Duration individually after discussions with your psychiatrist. Under any circumstances the drugs should not be stopped without medical advice because it can cause the appearance of symptoms.Medicines are not enough. Non-pharmacological techniques such as things such as cognitive behavior therapy, counseling, supportive therapy are also useful.

Identifying as early as possible greatly increases a person’s chances of managing disease, reducing episodes and recovering. People who receive good treatment during the first scizophrenia episode are hospitalized, and may require less time to control symptoms than those who do not receive immediate assistance.

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