Veteran journalists and geopolitical experts Fareed Zakaria spoke to India today about pressure and building tensions in China when the country experienced an economic slowdown. Fareed Zakaria said that China stumbled and his policy failed.

Can India take advantage of China’s slowing growth?

Referring to the Chinese Prime Minister Le Kequiang, who increased concerns about the country’s economic growth, Zakaria said, “Only this morning, Le Kequiang said that they did not grow as a country. Their estimates for this year are 5.5 percent. This will be the first time in 46 years the United States will grow faster than China. “Speaking of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Zakaria Fareed said, “Xi’s policy was unsuccessful, but he had a very strict grip of power. All anti-corruption sweeps allow it to eliminate many enemies and rivals. This will require more than a few months of bad policy and bad results to release it. “

In contrast to democratic countries with China and Russia, Zakaria said, “In the end, whatever PM Modi does, there is a check. There is an examination of power that reminds you that you are human. Imagine life in the world of Putin, or the world of XI, where there was never a pushback. “He added,” If they are not true, it will lead to the Slowdown China scenario. China’s growth will move more to the range of 4 percent, which is very bad for them considering their demographics. They need growth, they are still only middle -income countries. What encourages China’s growth is the private sector … Chinese state-owned companies are run as bad as the Indian economic parts managed by the government.”Unless there is a course correction, I suspect a significant slowdown in China for several years,” Zakaria said.

China’s economic policy a threat to India

When asked about the implications of the slowing of the Chinese economy to India, Fareed Zakaria said, “India is the best country positioned to take advantage of this concern about China given external and internal problems. Externally, his concern is that China is an expansion and predator. Internally, his concern is about growth that slows China. India is positioned perfectly to take loose in several areas by producing goods at lower prices than China and many more. “” India requires a more open attitude, business friendly, and can do. India needs to reduce the mountains of the red beer that still exists. PM Modi does economically good job and has implemented a second level reform, “Zakaria told India Today.

Border dispute between India, China

Geopolitical experts also underline threats aimed at India through Chinese foreign economic policies.

“From a strategic point of view, India must worry about Chinese foreign economic policies that are strategic oriented in a way that surrounds India. The ports that appear to be financed by China seem to circle one country (India), “said Zakaria. Speaking of the situation in South Asia, Zakaria who was cut down refers to the crisis in Sri Lanka and getting closer between China and Pakistan.

“The situation behind the Sri Lanka crisis is unusual and the countries become more aware (Chinese debt traps),” Zakaria said, added, “India must accept that Pakistan has basically harmonized itself with China and who have greater strategic implications. China is allied with neighboring regions with the history of hostility, disputed territories, and the history of sending militancy with the aim of Indian de-stabilization. “He said that the possible solution was that “India might try to have a working relationship with Pakistan to ease some of the crisis.” Border dispute between India, China

Speaking of border disputes between India and China, Fareed Zakaria said, “I am surprised that China did not make more efforts to ease tensions with India. This is another example of XI Jinping’s non-grade policy. China has completed the border debated with 15 countries around them. One country they have not completed is India. “” Some of that is because it involves Tibetan. When he came to China, about the problems he considered as integrity of the Chinese territory and creating a kind of China dominated by Han, they were always illuminated. And maybe India fell into it. Maybe they see India as the only country in Asia that can match them, “Zakaria told India Today.

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