New Delhi: Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is on the stage, delivering a speech in Nara when he was shot in his chest. Shinzo Abe was rushed to the Hospital of bleeding, with the first respondent said he “did not show vital signs”.”Former Prime Minister Abe was shot around 11:30 am in Nara. A man, who is believed to be a shooter, has been detained. The condition of the former Minister of Pime Abe is currently unknown,” said Head of Japanese Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno reporters.

He has carried out a lung heart attack, local media reports suggest. The visuals of that place showed several ambulances and the emergency response team that tried to save him. A photo shows Abe lying face on the road with a guardrail, blood on his white shirt. People are crowded around him, one gives a heart massage.

A 40s man, who seems to have shot Abe behind, was arrested for an attempt to murder and a weapon was confiscated from him. A NHK public announcer reporter at the scene said they could hear two consecutive bangs during Abe Abe’s speech.Shinzo Abe, 67, made a speech at the campaign event and “A man came from behind”, a young woman told NHK.

According to the report, Shinzo Abe passed out after the second shot was fired. Some media reports say he seems to have been shot from behind, maybe with a rifle.Japan is a country with some of the most stringent weapons of the economy and prominent shooting.Shinzo Abe, the longest prime minister in Japan, held a position in 2006 for one year and again from 2012 to 2020, when he was forced to resign because of ulcerative colitis of the weakened intestinal condition.

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