Head that warns of Covid Virulent variant; Explain 3 scenarios how the pandemic can evolve this year The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedro Adhanom Ghebreyesus told that the severity of Covid will decrease over time but, warn that we need to remain cautious and protected if the Covid19 virus virus is more ferocious and very contagious. Next, he put three possible scenarios for how the pandemic will evolve this year. This happened when the whole world witnessed a large covid surge driven by Omicron BA.2 Subvarians.

3 ways how the COVID pandemic will evolve this year:

During the briefing on Wednesday, who was Director General of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreesus showed that based on what was known now, the most likely scenario was that the Covid-19 virus continued to evolve, but the severity of the disease caused to reduce its immunity to increase due to vaccination and infection.

Periodic nails in Covid19 cases and deaths can occur when reduced, which may require periodic improvements for vulnerable populations. In the best case scenario, we may see a less severe variant appear, and a new booster or vaccine formulation will not be needed.” In the worst scenario, Virus variant # Covid19 is more ferocious and very transmitting appears. Regarding this new threat, community protection of severe diseases and death, both from vaccination or infection before, will decrease quickly, he added. And to overcome this situation, it is necessary to significantly change the Covid19 vaccine at this time and ensure they reach the people most vulnerable to severe diseases

So how do we move forward to end the acute phase of COVID?

Answering this head who shows that “… requires countries to invest in 5 core components.” And this is:

  •  First – surveillance, laboratories & public health intelligence.
  • Second – vaccination, public health & social measures & engaged communities.
  • Third – clinical care for COVID19, and resilient health systems.
  • Fourth – research & development, & equitable access to tools & supplies
  • Fifth- coordination, as the response transitions from an emergency mode to long-term respiratory disease management

Virus still has a lot of energy left

Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical head in Covid-19, said the virus still has “a lot of energy remaining”, going to the third year of a pandemic Last week, more than 10 million new cases and 45,000 deaths were reported to WHO, which said the number of new infections would be much higher because the test rate had dropped At the end of last week, more than 479 million confirmed cases had been registered throughout the pandemic, and more than six million deaths, although those who recognized that the real victims could be several times higher.

Strategic preparedness is updated, readiness, and a response plan to establish strategic adjustments that need to be done by each country to overcome the SARS-COV-2 transmission driver, reduce the impact of Covid, and end global emergencies.

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