Covid-19 and Monkeypox are not the only health threats faced by the world today. Severe acute hepatitis cases also increase among children globally.

According to the latest update from the World Health Organization (WHO), 1,010 possibilities of cases have been reported from around 35 countries between April 5 (when the plague was originally detected) and 8 July.This disease has also claimed the lives of 22 children, who said in a statement released on Wednesday.In addition, the UN Health Agency indicates that the actual number of cases may be higher, quoting a lack of implementation of an upgraded supervision system.

Highest cases reported in Europe

The highest number of cases was reported from Europe (484), with 272 cases reported from the United Kingdom. With 435 cases, the American territory was running in second place.

In the case of death, the highest number was reported in the American territory (13), followed by Indonesia and Maldives in Southeast Asia (6), according to WHO’s statement. Among the reported cases, liver transplants are needed in almost 46 children.

Cause of Hepatitis outbreak in children

The cause of the outbreak has not been identified. WHO noted that laboratory testing had excluded the hepatitis A-E virus in these children.In many cases, pathogens such as Adenovirus (209) and SARS-COV-2 (78) are detected by PCR. But the data reported to who is incomplete, said the agency.

Adenovirus was detected in 193 cases reported in the European region, while SARS-COV-2 was detected in 54 cases from the region.Nausea or vomiting, jaundice, general weakness and abdominal pain are the most common symptoms reported among patients.

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